10 Resume Writing Tips to Help You Get a Job

Jessica Wilson
2 min readMar 3, 2021


Your resume is the first thing that hiring managers see. If you want them to hire you, then you’ll need to highlight your skills and accomplishments. Make sure they see your relevant work history and experience. If you’re looking for a job, here are top tips on how to refresh your resume.

Look for Keywords

When you create a resume, check out the job postings for the positions you want to apply for. What are the common qualities or keyphrases used? Add those to your resume. That will improve your chances of getting hired.

Join a Platform

Look for a website that offers job resume builder services. These sites provide you with a place where you could put your resume online. They also help you find job postings. You can find plenty of opportunities through these sites.

Review Resumes

Go over resume samples to get an idea of how good resumes work. Study the elements. Which parts work? Which elements make the resume successful? What descriptions or phrases were used?

Keep It Brief

Each section of the resume must be brief. Make sure they’re also straight to the point. You don’t want to waste your hiring manager’s time. They have a ton of resumes to sift through and if you ramble, that could get your resume chucked into the reject pile.

Use Math

Hiring managers love empirical evidence. Add numbers when you talk about your past experience and how you helped your previous companies or teams. Did you reduce contract discrepancies by 90%? Were you successful in implementing changes to vendor contracts? What strategies did you use and where the outcomes?

Use the Right Font

Sure, using a comic or creative font will make you stand out — but for all the wrong reasons. Also, if your font is too artistic that it’s hard to read, then you’ve missed an opportunity to connect with the hiring managers. If they don’t understand it, they’ll toss your resume aside. Use a simple and easy-to-understand font, so they won’t.

Include Important Information

Meaning, restrict your resume to anything relevant about you such as your work history, experience, training, and accomplishments. Anything else is only a waste of space on your resume.

Use Subheadings and Sections

These sections help break up the monotony of the paragraphs. However, make sure you still keep each section brief. Don’t ramble and only use sections or subheadings if they’re necessary.

Proofread the Work

It can seem surprising how many people make grammatical mistakes or spelling slipups in their resumes, but it does happen. Some people are nervous about the job interview that they might have lost sight of the resume. It’s also not easy to spot mistakes when the work is fresh. Give it a few hours before you go in and revise.

Customize Your Resume

Create resumes for different jobs. These require the use of different keywords, so it’s better if you custom-make resumes for different companies and positions. That will help you succeed much better in getting the job you want.

