Ways to Eliminate the Risk of Electrical Socket Fires at Home or Office

Jessica Wilson
3 min readMar 1, 2021


There are thousands of fire cases from homes and commercial establishments reported every year, while the causes may differ in many cases. One of the common causes of fire breakout is an issue with the electrical socket. In small spaces, the risk of electrical socket fires increases manifolds in terms of resulting danger to life.

Whether there is a system malfunctioning or short-circuit arc, it may not take time for the fire to spread in any facility. Electrical fire may also lead to heavy property and financial losses to home and business owners, especially when it is not extinguished right in time. So, let us share a few steps of caution that can help you avoid socket fires.

  • Replace worn-out sockets: Faulty or worn-out sockets are the major cause of electrical fires in homes and offices. It is important to repair or replace the old sockets. When there are old sockets, the wiring at their back also gets loosened or worn out. It can lead to electric shocks, as well as fire breakout.
  • Maintain the wiring: Sometimes, there is no fault in the sockets but the wiring is old or loose in connection. Strung wires may then get entangled or may break, resulting in socket fires. Make sure that your new facility has new wiring. If you have not got the wiring checked in your old house or office, then follow a check and maintenance schedule to minimize the risk of fire.
  • Getthe surface-mounted sockets: Sockets closely fixed on the wall and connected to the inner wiring may cause a fire. A few reasons for that include an overheated wall, a moist wall, and heat sources being used near the wall. To maintain a distance from the wall, you may use surface mounted electrical sockets.
  • Use proper appliances: If your appliances are worn out, check their compatible use with electrical fixtures like sockets. Some appliances may require a lot of power, and when attached to the regular sockets, may lead to short-circuit arc or fire. Even while using surface-mounted electrical sockets with multiple outlets, do not overload them with incompatible and old appliances. Make sure that the appliance cords are not damaged.
  • Fix the hanging outlets: Loose outlets lead to wobbly connections and the possibility of a fire. Fix the hanging or loosely fitted sockets as soon as possible. Check that the wire nuts are suitably tightened to keep the socket, frame/surface, and wires intact.
  • Check the power load: Usually, in the decades-old facilities, outdated wiring is neglected. However, many modern electrical appliances like air conditioners, video players, and wide-screen TVs may put an increased power load on older wiring. Due to this, the outlets may also catch the heat easily and fire quickly. Thus, electrical work in your home or business facility requires a careful watch if a long period has passed after its original installation or facility construction.
  • Attend to the warning signs: Many times, socket fires occur due to the sheer neglect of warning signs. You may see the lights flickering or sparks emanating from the outlets, yet you may choose to ignore them. You may get shocks on touching the safe parts of the socket or may get a smell of burning, yet you may not call an electrician to check. If you want to cut the risk of socket fires, then start paying attention to such signs and seek help when required. An audit expert and electrician can also help you to follow the safety norms and electrical codes in terms of wiring and power panels and outlets.
  • Avoid long use of appliances: Do not keep the sockets busy all the time. See to it that you are using electrical appliances like ACs and room heaters for a safe period, because a continuous usage of sockets may overheat the electrical system and lead to sparks. Additionally, do not sleep with such risky devices on. If your needs are not being met through the number of sockets or outlets you have, get more of them installed by a qualified electrician. You may even go for heavy-duty extension boards.
  • Do not cover the sockets: Whether regular sockets or surface mounted electrical sockets, these must not be covered by paper or cloth. If the cover material heats up, then it may ignite the socket. Keep the outlets free of any decorations or wall coverings.

While you should consider all the above tips to cut the risk of electrical socket fires, you should also stay prepared to tackle any occurrence of fire incidents. Get high-quality smoke detectors and fire extinguishers installed in your home or office.

